Monday, September 15, 2014

Welcome to the circus, admission is free

So, here we are. I'm doing what I swore I'd never do... mommyblog. I spend a lot of time reading these and thought I'd give it a try.
Day 1 of being the stay at home. Chuck used to do this, first with Princess then with Boy. I was diagnosed with Bipolar II and our entire household routine went straight to hell. Suddenly, Chuck got a job, Enrique got a new one and I'm the housebitch.
Let me say it straight off: this shit is HARD. Harder than working outside of the home.  There are no breaks, no vacation days, no end of shift, coworkers drool and if you zone out for even a second... someone could die.
A lot of responsibility. 
Stick with me. Life can only become more interesting.